
Regional Training Network in Theoretical Physics


  • IOM invites Georgian physicists residing in Europe for temporary placement in their home country under Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN III) Programme:

    TRQN III will run until the end of November 2015 and is intended for qualified, higher educated representatives of Georgian Diaspora, including physicists, who are currently the residents of the Netherlands, other European Union (EU) and other European countries.
    Interested individuals that fulfill the eligibility criteria are selected for temporary placement based on their qualifications and experiences and the specific needs of institutions in Georgia. The duration of these placements are on average three months, though the assignment duration is flexible and can be decided on a case by case basis. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) provides logistical and financial support.
    If you are interested to learn more about this opportunity and would like to apply, please visit: http://www.iom-nederland.nl/en/georgia

  • During the The First Autumn School & Workshop on Particle Phenomenology (23-28 September, 2013, Tbilisi) the University of Siegen oficially became a part of the Network and the Common PhD Program. The pertinent Amendment to the MoU and the Collaboration Agreement was signed between the parties.

  • During the Inaugural Workshop of RTN (14-15 March, 2013, Tbilisi) a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between UB, TSU and YSU. The Memorandum envisages the creation of common PhD programs in theoretical physics, as well as student and scientific staff exchange between parties.

Last change: 04.08.2016 by Mirian Tabidze